By the time this blog posts, the "Speech" will have been given and you will have formed your opinion. Here's mine before President Obama addresses the school children of America.
His address is causing quite a stir among parents in my local school district and others across the nation and I'm asking myself "why"?
President Obama wants to address my child. And many parents are concerned about what he will say. Parents don't want him to address them at school where they are a "captive" audience.
Lots of people want to address my child and they do--McDonald's, Fisher Price and General Mills! Their messages are effective whether they are on the television, the advertisement on a website or sponsors of the soccer tournament. Our household purchases at least one McDonald's Happy Meal a week.
The media release on the White House website states that he will talk to them about taking personal responsibility for their learning and education, including setting goals and working hard. I hope he does. Students need to hear that message from many adults besides their parents and teachers. Hallelujah! Amen!
As members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, "we believe in being subject to kings, presidents, rulers, and magistrates, in obeying, honoring and sustaining the law". Whether or not you agree with President Obama's political views, he is the President of the United States.
What does being subject mean? What is honoring and sustaining the law? There are so many strident voices for and against this and that. Have we forgotten how to be civil? to listen? Should we not listen first and then form an opinion?
It is a parent's responsibility to teach children to "walk uprightly before the Lord". If you are worried he is going to push ideas that are contrary to yours, use it as a teaching opportunity. We live in the world but are to not be "of" the world. I sincerely believe that I can have a great listening and teaching moment with my kids after they have listened to the President.
In our district, parents will be able to "opt" out and their children can do an alternate activity while the President speaks. But unfortunately, our children are going to experience things in life that they cannot "opt" out of. They may not be able to "opt" out of the required philosophy college course or "opt" out of working with a different race, homosexual, atheist, or non-member at the workplace.
They will be in difficult situations that challenge their values and beliefs and it is my responsibility as a parent to teach my children how to think, how to judge righteously, how to find the truth and then defend it. Loud voices and polarized opinions do not carry forth the work of a country or our Heavenly Father.
"And now come, saith the Lord, by the Spirit, unto the elders of his church, and let us reason together, that ye may understand." We can and must reason with our children, teach them to think for themselves and find the true source of peace and happiness which will not fail when the "mighty winds" and "mighty storm shall beat upon you". (Helaman 5:12)